Wednesday - August 11, 2010

Crisis in Family Court
No one wants to wind up in family court, but with over 50 percent of marriages failing, it’s a familiar place for thousands of parents. Dr. Phil shines a light on the American family court system and how often it fails its citizens. Concerned for her 9-month-old son’s safety, Katie pleaded with Judge Robert Lemkau to order supervised visits for her ex, Stephen, who was threatening to kill their son, Wyatt, and then himself. When she was told that the couple should work it out, Katie returned to court on four additional occasions, desperate for someone to believe Wyatt’s life was in danger. Tragically, despite her exhaustive efforts to protect her son, Stephen did exactly as he threatened. Will the judges be held accountable? And, protesters of Judge Lemkau’s re-election want their stories heard -- heartbreaking stories of how they say the family court system failed them. And, one teen speaks out on behalf of kids caught in the middle of custody battles and court rulings. At the hands of an abusive father, she says the court system ignored her pleas for help. Don’t miss this eye-opening show!
Failed by the System
Two months ago, Katie found herself pleading with a judge to order supervised visits for her ex, Stephen, and their 9-month-old son, Wyatt. When Stephen threatened to kill their son and himself, Katie tried multiple times to get a restraining order. After Katie’s five attempts to get protection from the court, Stephen did exactly as he threatened.
“They would both still be here if that judge would’ve just listened to me.”
The Aftermath
Katie explains what happened in the days that followed her son’s murder. She says someone else knew what her ex was going to do and failed to stop it. And, meet a man who says he’s going to stop Judge Lemkau from doing any more damage to people’s lives. Plus, meet others who are trying to educate the public about the U.S. family court system and how they say it needs a massive overhaul. “They’re told they will lose custody of their children by reporting abuse.”
From a Child’s Perspective
“Stephanie,” 17, wanted to speak out on behalf of the kids in the middle of custody battles and court rulings. She says because courts have ignored cries of abuse, some kids are left in the hands of their abusive parent. Stephanie fears this is happening with her younger sister. And, meet another mom who says the court failed her and her two boys. Plus, are court appointees profiting off of fractured families?