
Are You Ready To Do The WHITE HOUSE Again….And More?

by Nancy Carroll at Parenting News Network ™

White House Vigil on Mothers Day, May 9th, 2010

On Mother’s Day 2010, a large crowd of well over 100 concerned citizens wearing Mothers of Lost Children white T-shirts rallied in front of the White House.  After a silent vigil from 11:00 am until noon and a speak out from noon to 1:00 pm that included Mildred Mohammad, former wife of the D.C. Sniper, there was a march down 17th Avenue. Our signs and banners protested the family courts endangerment of 58,000 children per year who must visit or live with their batterers and molesters with no hope of release.

The event was so well received that we will meet again on Friday, October 1st, 2010, the first day of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, in front of the U.S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20530-0001 for a press conference at 11:00 am (pending permits). We will then march about a mile to the Senate buildings and attend prearranged visits with Senators to request that they reschedule the 1994 the Senate Labor and Human Resources Subcommittee Congressional hearing that was postponed. That hearing was designed to address the issues of failures of child protective and family court systems to protect adult and child victims of violence and abuse, statutes of limitations for reporting sexual abuse, and retaliatory targeting of mandated reporters who report child sexual abuse. These problems have grown significantly worse in the past 16 years. We will end our march at the Sewall Belmont House, 144 Constitution Avenue NE, the suffragists’ headquarters a century ago.

We plan to stay at the Hostelling International, 1009 11th Street NW, Washington DC, which we found to be clean and inexpensive. The following day, Saturday, October 2nd, we will rally at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House.

For more information please contact Connie Valentine, 916-233-8381 orcppa001@aol.com.